Beaver Creek Watershed Association, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Our Vision
The Beaver Creek Watershed Association, Inc. (BCWA) was founded by concerned neighbors and local fly fishermen with an objective to scientifically restore, protect, and preserve the water quality of the Beaver Creek Watershed. The BCWA envisions a healthy stream environment capable of supporting a self-sustaining trout population and a “Greenway Corridor” for wildlife—all of which will provide a recreational resource.
About Beaver Creek Watershed Association, Inc.
The organization works with land owners, volunteers, regional & local conservation groups, and federal, state & local government agencies within the watershed area. With the completion of several successful restoration projects, Beaver Creek has become a popular fly fishing destination for wild trout. Projects have included channel and wetland restoration, dam removals, and storm water runoff retrofit.
BCWA is dedicated to raising public awareness regarding the importance of maintaining a healthy watershed and completing projects that make a measurable impact on achieving that goal. Since 2002, BCWA and partners, along with hundreds of volunteers have taken part in a broad range of educational and reconstructive activities. These activities have included:
- Watershed assessment
- Stream channel and riparian buffer restoration
- Native seed collection
- Water quality monitoring, and
- Student and teacher educational programs
BCWA would also like to become a model of how citizen’s groups and government agencies can cooperate to address common concerns and improve our environment.
A Great Partnership
Starting in 2004, the Seneca Valley chapter of Trout Unlimited (SVTU) has been actively involved in helping with the Beaver Creek restoration project(s). During this time SVTU has purchased trees, provided funds and volunteered hours of labor to help with the restoration efforts as well as maintenance projects. Visit https://senecavalleytu.org/beaver-creek/ to see how this partnership is working.
e-Mail: streamkeeper@myactv.net
© Beaver Creek Watershed Association, Inc.